Overview |
Inventory Management |
Order Entry & Invoicing |
Purchasing & Receiving |
Remanufacturing |
Bidding & Job Control |
Transportation Center |
Traders' Worksheets |
Executive SummaryThe features found in WOODPRO 2000's Executive Summary provide management with an important resource center and decision making tool. All of the critical information concerning the company's business including sales, inventory, receivables, payables, cash flow and financial statements are summarized and displayed in one convenient place. These powerful features enable management to quickly see their whole business picture, identify problem areas, track orders and sales, and provide a much greater degree of detail if necessary. Executive Summary is divided into four tabs: Current, Daily, Financial, and Ratio. Each one highlights key areas of the business. The information displayed on each tab is updated when opened and may be set to refresh twice or more hourly.
The Current tab displays information concerning month-to-date and year-to-date sales, cost of goods sold, gross margin and gross margin percent. Also displayed are receivables, open orders, shipments, payables and purchases. For each displayed item the lookup provides access to greater detail all the way down to individual invoices, payments, purchases, etc. Summary by Location, by Trader, by Direct sales, and by Inventory Sales are also provided.
The Daily tab displays billing, sales, orders shipped, cash receipts, payments, purchases , and good received for the day. It also shows billings, gross margin, sales by day, month, quarter, and year with complete graphic capability. This feature allows management to identify key business trends.
The Financial tab displays condensed financial statements for the business with the ability for detail inquiry into each general ledger account.
The Ratio tab displays the key business ratios at a glance for management to monitor and measure the businesses performance and financial statistics.
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