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Transportation Center |
Traders' Worksheets |
Transportation CenterThe Transportation Center serves as a central information source for the transportation of all goods. It is fully linked with the order entry, purchase order and inventory modules. Any information concerning the flow of goods such as incoming goods, direct shipments, inventory transfers or outgoing orders can be found here. All of the information contained in the Transportation Center is taken directly from the order once it has been entered. Any changes to an order are automatically updated here as well.
The Transportation Maintenance uses a format which enables the user to view many orders at once. The top section provides the following information for each order: shipping remarks, additional address, mode of transport, delivery date, arranged by, status, origin city and state, destination city and state, and order number. This section can be expanded to a full screen. A large number of shipments and orders can be viewed quickly by scrolling through the displayed screen. The bottom section provides additional information for the order selected: purchase from, pickup location, sold to, delivery location, truck charge, and order detail. Transportation Notification, Customer Ready List, Rail Diversion Notification, and Reload In/Outbound Notification can be printed, faxed and emailed.
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